The sight of faburdon with his acordis.
For the leeste processe of sigtis, natural and most in vse, is expedient to declare the sight of faburdun, the wheche hathe but 2o sightis: a 3de aboue the plainsong in sight, the whech is a 6 fro the treble in voice, and a euyn with the plainsong in sight, the wheche is a 8te fro the treble in voise. These 2o acordis the faburdener must rwle be the mene of the plainsong, for whan he shal begynne his faburdun, he must attende to the plainsong and sette his sight euyn with the plainsong and his voice in a 5te benethe the plainsong and aftir that whether the plainsong ascende or descende, to sette his sihght alwey bothe in rwle and space aboue the plainsong in a 3de and aftir that the plainsong hauntith his course eyther in acutis fro G sol re ut aboue to G sol re ut benethe, to close dunward in sight euyn vpon the plainsong, vpon one of these keyes: D la sol re, C sol fa ut, A la mi re, or G sol re ut benethe. And yf the plainsong haunt his course fro G sol re ut benethe doun toward A re, conuenientli than to se before where he may close with 2o or 3e or 4e 3dis before, eyther in F fa ut benethe, or D sol re, or C fa ut, or A re. And al these closis gladli to be sunge and closid at the laste ende of a word. And as ofte as he wil to touche the plainsong and voide ther fro excepte twies togedir; for that may not be, inasmoche as the plainsong sight is a 8te to the treble and a 5te to the mene and so to euery degre he is a perfite corde and 2o perfite acordis of one nature may not be sung togeder in no degre of descant.